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July 13, 2007

Magic Soapbox

A documentary movie that should be of interest to aromatic and herbal fans opened in New York on June 29, and will be opening in a few theatres across the country starting tonight.  Dr. Bronner's Magic Soapbox, a documentary film by Sara Lamm, tells the story of the peppermint liquid soap with the cosmic message on the label and the man who made it.  It may well be the first aromatic product that many of us used.

It's opening tonight (July 13) in Los Angeles, San Francisco and Hudson, NY with a one night stand in Sedona. Future firm dates are July 27 in Portland (OR) and Boston, and August 27 in Seattle. It's previously shown at several film festivals, including Mill Valley, Hamptons Intl, and Seattle Intl. It seems to be playing in small art theatres, so check the movie website listed above for details.

Posted by Rob on July 13, 2007 in Aromatherapy, Events | Permalink


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