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April 24, 2007
Update on CAM Guidelines
Almost before the ink was dry on the previous two posts, I received an update e-mail from the Natural Solutions Foundation. Apparently over 100,000 people have used the link here to send a message to the FDA, but the link is either overloaded or has been sabotaged. If you try to use the link and it doesn't work, you might try this alternative address here.
A request was made to the FDA to clarify the comment period, but the FDA has promptly responded refusing to do so. Thus you need to get your response in by April 30. UPDATE: Deadline has been exteded to May 29! See AAHF site for more details.
The update also includes information about the American Association for Health Freedom, and a link on their front page includes a lot more information and talking points about this issue that you may be able to use in your comments. Some of the points they make include:
The AAHF (American Association for Health Freedom) is concerned that "
1. [there be] A public hearing by the FDA before the finalization of the guidance.
2. Changing the title of the guidance to use the phrase "Complementary and Alternative Modalities" and not the prejudicial "Complementary and Alternative Medicine" as in the draft.
3. FDA recognize that "therapies that may benefit" are not the same as "treatment of disease" and do not have to be regulated as "medicine."
The page also includes a link to The Integrator Blog which I strongly suggest that you read before commenting. This article, entitled "The FDA's Guidance on CAM: What is the Appropriate Response?" puts the whole issue in perspective, suggests that perhaps the Internet has over-reacted to what the FDA claims is simply a clarification of the existing state of things, and warns of the danger of "crying wolf".
Both the AAHF and the editor of the Integrator Blog seem to feel that Congressional action may be more appropriate and necessary in the long run.
After reading all this stuff, my tendency is to comment and request an extension of the commenting date until at least July 1 so that more detailed comments can be prepared. And ultimately to follow on and work with the Health Freedom groups to get the federal and state laws changed to make things clearer and more acceptable of health freedom, and in particular aromatherapy.
Posted by Rob on April 24, 2007 in Organizations, Politics, Regulatory Issues | Permalink
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