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January 27, 2007


The AromaConnection Blog is dedicated to creating an international dialog surrounding the marketplace, politics, ecology, biology, conservation, horticulture, and science of the natural aromatics industry. This community is comprised of natural aromatics materials producers and distributors, researchers and educators and indigenous populations whose livelihood and culture is tied to the natural aromatic production in their region. This community includes end users such as aromatherapy practitioners, alternative healthcare providers, natural perfumers, wellness products manufacturers and the average person who uses these related products in their daily life. It is imperative for this public dialog, not only to keep abreast of changes in our natural aromatic world, but to create a wider dispersal of knowledge that will influence the natural growth of sustainability and thoughtful practice that does not unduly exclude or co-opt any individual or group.

This is a group blog. The principle bloggers have been selected from a broad cross section of the Natural Aromatic Community. The principles have a vital interest in the development of a vibrant community. However, they are not the only ones with knowledge, opinions, and understanding—and the readers who follow this blog are encouraged to participate via commentary on the Blog articles. Those who demonstrate their knowledge and expertise through comments will be encouraged to participate in the main writing as guests and potential entry into the fellowship of principle writers.

Over the years, the Aromatic community has changed. Organizations that were originally formed to serve essential oil producers and marketers have now evolved to include synthetic aromatic chemical manufacturers, whose manufactured substances now perhaps overshadow the ecological and sustainable relationship necessary for a sound natural aromatic community. Natural aromatic plant extracts will never be the same as their synthetic counterparts and should not be viewed as such. To paint each with the same brush culturally, scientifically or legislatively would not serve the needs of either. As we move into the future, the problems arising from the advent of corporate control of agriculture and the development of genetically modified plants have threatened the natural diversity and sustainability of both aromatic plants and the human populations that tend and produce them. Many alternative practitioners are dependent upon pure essential oils and related products to serve the needs of their clients and are likewise dependent upon the availability and sustainability of aromatic raw materials. The delicate reciprocal relationship between plants and man should be a primary influence on our actions and choices to serve our community. It is our hope that the dialog here will stimulate solutions both globally and locally.

The AromaConnection blog will be devoted to a variety of specific issues facing our natural aromatic community, and our sense of increasing urgency for a timely public forum will help dispel myths and promote facts to more intelligently move us into the future. Posts will be grouped into a variety of categories that will be defined as the blog grows.

This blog is professionally designed and maintained and utilizes the TypePad blog interface. It will include limited advertising to sustain the costs of maintenance, links to other aromatherapy sites and blogs, and will be found on the web at

Posted by Blogmistress on January 27, 2007 | Permalink | Comments (0)